School Board Meet
June 24, 2013

Future Bond Issue Plans
Link to previous
school board news.

Link To Agendas on School Web Site.

Ted Wright comments in purple:

1-2) Steve Stout, Memory Ostrander, and Wendell Johnson present (with Jana Oder absent). Note: empty seat will likely be filled at July meet.
3) no requests to address board
4) minutes approved
5) purchases approved
6) 2 Wilson Elementary fundraisers approved
7) Jordan Smith presented a financial plan to raise ~$14 million for (TBA) school construction plans if voters approve a bond issue (election likely in October 2013 to have funds available in March 2014). The bond issue total would be ~$20 million to finance the bonds over a 10 year plan with a lease arrangement to provide the money for up-front construction. The plan calls for a 6% increase of 7 mills (to a total ~30 mills tax rate from the current 22.95 mills). The financial plan is rather conservative having dropped to an estimated 3% growth (instead of more recent 6% growth) used in past years with real estate property evaluation slowing. The board asked questions of the financial plan but did not discuss potential projects yet. No action was taken.
FYI: (Similar discussion in Oct. 2007 for ~$6 million and bond priorities were set at following Nov. 2007 meet) ... (Dec. 2010 Jordan Smith reco waiting a year or two for next bond)
8) Pat Sunday approved as Encumbrance Clerk
9) Stacie Byrum approved as Purchasing and Receiving Agent
10) Pat Sunday approved as Activity Custodian (West/Due as co-signers)
11) Melanie Garrett approved as minutes clerk (Bryum as assistant)
12) Approved school year closeout transfers from activity funds to the general fund
13) Approved Tulsa Technology Center contract
14) Approved deregulation of alternative school required by it's non-standard hours (which allow regular teacher to teach there after hours also and students to hold daytime jobs)
15) Approved joining OSSBA (State School Board organization) ... provides many benefits for $3225 yearly membership
16-19) Executive session (7:48-9:13pm) ... no action taken
20) tabled as no recommendation to rehire
21) 3 resignations accepted
22) 8 annual leases approved
23) Approved (the only bid received for $216K) for workers comp coverage
24) Approved $647 comp time for Brenda Flanary

25) Lance West reported on these topics:
* Should have bids back for July meet for custodial supplies
* Should have bids back for July meet for janitorial services
* Should have bids back for July meet for lawn maintenance

26) Terry Due reported on these topics:
* Carry over dollars from last school year estimated at under $500K ... much lower than recent years
* 8 recent teacher retirements/resignations ... but only 2 will be replaced (for now) ..high school counselor required by law... home ec is popular class
* Will continue to explore other cost cutting ... will get creative ... and make it work
* ~84% of budget is salary
* expect more cuts in December

27) Announcement: expect to swear in new school board member at July board meet
28) No new business

Annual Leases

3 Resignations

$20 Million Bond Vote Likely In October For $14 Million For (TBA) Construction

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Ted Wright -- last update 6/20/2013
(SchoolBrdJune24.html) -- Copyright 2013 -- Collinsville, OK
Remaining 2013 School Board
Meeting Dates
July 8, 2013
2nd Monday
August 5, 2013
1st Monday
September 9, 2013
2nd Monday
October 7, 2013
1st Monday
November 4, 2013
1st Monday
December 9, 2013
2nd Monday
School Calendar For Next Year
