(email questions/comments to wrightted@aol.com).
Ted Wright -- last update 12/2/2011 (ChamberOfficersElected.html) www.cvilleok.com

Copyright 2011 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
Collinsville Chamber of Commerce
Dec. 1, 2011
2012 Officers Approved
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call Ted Wright (918) 371-1901 or send email to wrightted@aol.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
Web www.cvilleok.com
You are invited to join the
Collinsville Chamber of Commerce.
Contact Wanda.
(Membership Info)
Next Chamber Luncheon Meeting is Jan. 6th (Pam Polk City Status)
Installation Banquet is Jan. 28th
2011 Chamber Officers

Pres: Traci Conley
VP: Jim Dolton
Sec/Tres: Billie Francis
Pres. Elect: Bill Johnston

Directors (2011-2013):
Christine Wilson
Don Hutinson
Misty Maxwell

Directors (2010-2012):
Marilyn Hardacre
Beth Ann Langston

Directors (2009-2011):
Nichole Landrum
Ted Wright
Stacy Brown

1-Year Directors:

Corbi Wells Goddard
Pam Porter
Heidi McGehee
Steven Barnes*(moved)

Honorary Board Members:
Ernie Davis (Past President)
Pam Polk (City Manager)
Stan Sallee (Mayor)
Terry Due (School Supt.)
John Smaligo (Tulsa Co. Comm.)
Earl Sears (State Representative)
Rick Brinkley (State Senator)

Bill Johnston Will Preside In 2012
Shopping Incentive Program Introduced

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in part by:

We are an active part of the communities we serve because they are the places we call home. The members we serve live, work and play in the lush rolling hills of northeastern Oklahoma.

Headquartered in Collinsville, Oklahoma, VVEC is a distribution electric cooperative. We provide electric service to residential, commercial and industrial consumers through more than 32,000 meters and more than 4,500 miles of electric line in portions of Nowata, Osage, Rogers, Tulsa and Washington counties.

Among the 26 electric cooperatives operating in Oklahoma, VVEC is the third largest based on the number of meters served by the co-op. Ninety-two employees cover the Cooperative’s more than 3,200-square mile service territory daily maintaining the electric system and providing consumer-oriented service.


There was no designated main speaker for the December luncheon meeting of the Collinsville Chamber of Commerce. The 2012 slate of officers was approved by the general membership.

Several member businesses (including the luncheon sponsor) Collinsville Soil Program spoke briefly. One of the guests at the meeting was the wife of Ben Ostrander. Ben is currently serving in Afghanistan. Susan Babbitt relayed a story that Librarian Robin Busyhead had been surprised this week by the return of her son from Afghanistan. Ernie Davis indicated he has two sons currently serving in Afghanistan.

Tentative plans for a 2012 Shopping Incentive program for Chamber businesses were presented. The basic premise is $100 purchases (spread across as many chamber members as possible) will make the customer eligible for multiple $1000 cash drawings at various times during the year. Plenty of details remain to be defined by the chamber board and merchants.

2012 Chamber Officers

Pres: Bill Johnston
VP: Maureen Wright
Sec/Tres: Billie Francis
Pres. Elect: Susan Babbitt

2012 New Directors:
1 Yr: Kent Smalygo
2 Yr: Fawn Ozug
3 Yr: James Roderick
3 Yr: Ron Evans
3 Yr: Eddie James

Christmas Parade is Sat. Dec. 10th
Tulsa County Commissioner John Smaligo reported the recent status he had received indicated the completion of the S-Curve project had moved from December (2011) into the springtime (2012).