2010 CHS Graduate
Bea Chang
cvilleok.com CHS graduation page sponsored in part by:

Dear Mr. Ted Wright,
Thank you for all your hard work and for making my entire high school career super special. You're there for all our events and I couldn't be thankful enough. Collinsville High School has been amazing. I've grown up so much and learned alot from all my teachers and peers. I've been granted opportunities and experiences that will better prepare me for college life. I will truly miss Collinsville; it has been my home for the past four years and will continue to be. Thanks for everything!
Bea Chang =]
This web site is brought to you by the Newspaper Museum In Collinsville and the other advertisers appearing on these pages. If you would like to provide content or advertisements ... call Ted Wright (918) 371-1901 or send email to wrightted@aol.com.
(email questions/comments to wrightted@aol.com).
By Ted Wright -- last update 5/12/2010
(Grad10Chan-Bea.html) www.cvilleok.com

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Web www.cvilleok.com
Collinsville, OK