Collinsville Downtown, Inc.
COLLINSVILLE, OKLAHOMA ... Downtown Revitalization
About Us
About Us

Program Director: Shelley Nachtigall Phone:
1126 West Main
Collinsville, OK 74021
Who Are We?
  • Collinsville Downtown, Inc. is a member organization of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce Main Street Program. The Oklahoma Main Street Center helps Oklahoma Main Streets to once more become thriving centers of commercial and social activity. The Oklahoma Main Street helps communities analyze core issues and set attainable objectives by providing education, training, resources, and advocacy. Our organized yet flexible approach allows communities to identify and develop their assets in an integrated and comprehensive way
  • More About Us
    • Collinsville Downtown Inc. follows a national model called the Main Street Approach to Downtown Revitalization, currently utilized in over 1800 communities. Developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the program advances economic development within the context of historic preservation and advocates public-private partnerships to ensure lasting success. The Main Street Approach promotes a return to community self-reliance, local empowerment, and the revitalization of traditional commercial districts based on our unique assests such as distinctive architecture. pedestrian friendly environment, personal service, local ownership and sense of community.
Collinsville's Main Street Program started in 2000 and is associated with the Oklahoma Main Street Program and the Department of Commerce.
Four-Point Approach

The Main Street Four-Point Approach is about increasing the value of our downtown by working together to build a comprehensive and sustainable Downtown District. It encompasses work in four distinct areas:

Ø Organization involves getting everyone working toward the same goal and assembling the appropriate human and financial resources to implement and sustain the revitalization program. A governing board and standing committees make up the organizational structure of the volunteer-driven program. Volunteers are coordinated and supported by a paid Program Director.

Ø Promotion increases the social values of downtown encouraging consumers and investors to live, work, shop, play and invest in the Main Street District. Marketing the districts unique characteristics with an affective promotional strategy forges a positive image through advertising, retail promotion, special events, and marketing campaigns.

Ø Design increases the economic value of downtown through rehabilitation construction and the design of public spaces that will attract more people to work, walk and gather on a regular basis. An inviting atmosphere, created through attractive window displays, parking areas, building improvements and streetscapes with landscaping conveys a positive visual message about the commercial district and what it has to offer. Design activities include instilling good maintenance practices, developing sensitive design management systems and long-term planning.

Ø Economic Restructuring increases the economic value of downtown by strengthening the existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying its economic base. The Main Street Program helps sharpen the competitiveness of existing businesses and economic uses to build a commercial district that responds to today's consumer needs.

Eight Principles of the Four-Point Approach

Ø Comprehensive- an ongoing series of initiatives that build community support and creates lasting progress.

Ø Incremental small projects make a big difference by honing the skills and confidence of participants and demonstrating to on-lookers that positive things are happening downtown.

Ø Local Commitment -although the Main Street Program can provide valuable assistance, local leadership and community involvement and commitment creates long-term success.

Ø Public/Private Partnership establishes meaningful, long-term revitalization. Both the public and private sectors of the community must be involved and committed for a local Main Street Program to succeed. Each sector has an important role to fulfill, and each must understand the other's needs, strengths, and limitations so that an effective partnership can be created.

Ø Existing Assets identify and capitalize in the downtowns unique assets.

Ø Quality must be the goal in every aspect of renewal, from storefront design to promotional campaigns. Quality builds
respect and confidence.

Ø Changing Attitudes and behaviors as well as the environment. Community members must learn to see Main Street as
a viable center of commercial and civic activity while incorporating it into their regular routines.

Ø Implementation Oriented- frequent, visible changes in the look and activities will reinforce the perception of positive
change. Dramatic, incremental improvements remind the community and shareholders that revitalization is working.

Why Downtown Revitalization?

Ø Since June 2000, Collinsville's Private and Public sectors has invested- $8,302,079.00 into the
Main Street Commercial District.
Ø Business openings, relocations or expansions- 73
Ø Net gain in business openings, relocation or expansions- 46
Ø Net gain in jobs created -144
Ø Number of public improvement projects- 40
Ø Façade rehabilitations -11
Ø Other rehabilitations or new construction- 59
Ø Buildings sold-31
Ø Volunteer hours since 2002 - 21,396

Property values have more than tripled in the last 4 years in the commercial district of Main Street

How the Main Street Program provides significant benefits to the community:

Ø Enhances community pride and quality of life
Ø Preserves and creates jobs
Ø Enhances sustainable development
Ø Increases collaboration between public and private sectors in order to attain common goals
Ø Bolsters property values throughout the community
Ø Grows existing businesses, attracts new business, and reinforces other economic development activities
Ø Protects and utilizes the historic assets in downtown
Ø Increases the tax base by developing vacant and under-utilized buildings

4 Points
OrganizationRecruit members, volunteers and donations for this volunteer driven program.
PromotionForge a positive image by advertising, promotion, marketing and special events.
DesignGet Main Street in top physical shape by capitalizing on its best assets.
Economic Restructuring Help existing businesses expand and recruit new ones.
Move up to Collinsville! A City with a friendly, relaxed and orderly environment where our environment and historic image is preserved and planned economic growth is encouraged.

Block 49 Index
Block 58 Index
Block 48 Index
Block 59 Index
Check Back Later For More Downtown Collinsville Block Indexes created by Ted Wright in 2006 for ... which capture a time slice of the evolving businesses and buildings here.


More About Collinsville, Oklahoma

(email web site questions/comments to
Ted Wright -- last update 7/28/2011 (DowntownInc/aboutus.html)

-- Copyright 2005 & 2006 & 2007 & 2008 & 2009 & 2010 & 2011 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma