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Park Board Meeting
September 20, 2011
Shade Structure Recommended's
City Commission / CMA Meeting Index

City's Web Site

& Agendas


DATE: September 20, 2011
TIME: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE: Commission Chambers, Collinsville City Hall, 106 N. 12th Street

Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 11:00 a.m. on Monday September 19, 2011.

Angela McGinnis, City Clerk

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call:

Larry Shafer -- Present
Pam Webb -- Present
Ted Wright -- Present
Fawn Ozug -- Present
Cheryl Hunt -- Present

3. Approval of minutes from July 12, 2011 and August 16, 2011 Regular Meeting. -- Approved.

4. Discussion and possible action to put shade features over playground equipment. -- Approved. Three structures have been discussed but they were prioritized in case there are not enough funds for all three: 1 playground equipment closest to splash pad. 2.playground equipment further north. 3. swing set.

5. Discussion, review and possible action for recommendations for Park amenity reservation policy. -- Tabled, after discussion. Reservation request numbers are very low now, and planning is targeted towards future park additions.

6. Discussion and possible action regarding Charlie's Park. -- No formal action was taken but the board was pleased to hear of an offer to help with teardown / replacement of the fence at the 9th & Walnut park. Adam Stidley representing his bible study group from Discovery Church (at German Corner) has offered to help with replacing the fence. Jerry Collier who has the residence on the other side of the fence (just 12 feet from his home) was also at the meeting and indicated a new fence and increased maintenance (especially mowing) would certainly be an improvement over the past years. Collier indicated the fence was damaged in the Dec.2007 ice storm. City staff indicated they would be working with Stidley and his group and that mowing would be increased there. Some of the play equipment removed from city park is still being considerd for relocation to Charlie's park.

7. Discussion and possible action on potential park improvements. -- further discussion but no action on this list from the previous meet:
* security camera system to help with vandalism issues
* increased security lighting
* sand volleyball court
* frisbee golf course

* horse shoe pit
* additional signage
* consideration of allowing park consessions (by non-profit groups)

City Manager Pam Polk received a letter dated September 14, 2011 notifying the city that the Land & Water Grant application had been denied for funding several park improvements. The letter invited the city to re-apply again next year for the 50-50% grant.
(Previous Coverage Jan 2011): two new picnic shelters and additional landscaping near the new splash pad & playground equipment, a trail connection to parking near the tennis courts, and additional parking on the north side of the park road near the basketball court.

8. Report from Public Works Director on Park operations plans. -- Phil Stowell reported on these topics:
* Brad Wood is new to park/cemetery staff (from street dept)
* softball outfield fence needs repairs
* small pedistrian bridge over creek needs repair
* splash pad shutdown and cleaning of parts for winterization is likely within two weeks
* Some park rules signs need lettering restored and covered in plexiglass to protect the letters
* tree replacement (3 new trees lost this year)
* old tree stump removals
* security light checks / restore electrical service to big pavilion and serving hut
* softball field lighting improvement: have the new fixtures ... just need to install

10. New Business. -- none

11. Adjournment.

Ted Wright comments in purple

Cover For Play Equipment Recommended

Fence Replacement For
Charlie's Park

Land & Water Grant Denied

Park Reservations Policy To Continue


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Ted Wright -- last update 9/21/2011

Collinsville, Oklahoma
Previous Meet:
Aug. 16, 2011