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Ted Wright -- last update 5/23/2008

Collinsville, Oklahoma

City Commission Meeting
May 19, 2008
Summer Reading Promoted
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City Commission / CMA Meeting Index

The Collinsville City Commission met Monday May 19th (at the City Hall Community Room, 106 N 12th Street) for a 7pm regular of the Municipal Authority & City Commission.

Library Summer Reading Presentation (see item 6 on city agenda below)

----------- Collinsville Municipal Authority:

1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge

3. Roll Call -- all present except Melodie Bateman
Chairman Stan Sallee _____
Trustee Pam Porter _____
Trustee Trent Rogers _____
Trustee Melodie Bateman (Absent)
Trustee Billie Reeder _____

4. CONSENT: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are deemed to be routine in nature by the governing body and will be approved by one motion of the governing body. Items on the consent agenda will not be discussed. Any member desiring to discuss an item may request that it be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the regular agenda. It will then be discussed and considered.

A. Approval of minutes of May 5, 2008 regular meeting.
B. Approval of disbursements and payroll.
- approved

5. Discussion and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda. -- n/a

6. City Manager Report -- Pam Polk reorted on the following topics:

7. City Attorney Report -- none

8. Discussion and possible action on July 4th activities. -- the trustees approved Thursday July 3rd for the firework and family entertainment event in the city park with availability of city employees as one decision factor. The city has already received donations from ONG ($250) and expects a $3000 grant from GRDA to help fund the event. An addition $1200 will be added by the city (unless further donations are obtained) to match the type of show in the past few years.

9. Consideration of any new business, which can be considered an emergency, to come before the Collinsville Municipal Authority not known about or which could not have been reasonably anticipated at the time of posting this agenda. -
- none

10. Adjournment.

POSTED 5/16/2008 at 4:00 p.m. by Angela Long, City Clerk.

----------- Collinsville City Commission:

1. Call to Order.

2. Roll call. --
all present except Melodie Bateman
Mayor Stan Sallee _____
Commissioner Pam Porter _____
Commissioner Trent Rogers _____
Commissioner Melodie Bateman _____
Commissioner Billie Reeder _____

3. CONSENT: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are deemed to be routine in nature by the governing body and will be approved by one motion of the governing body. Items on the consent agenda will not be discussed. Any member desiring to discuss an item may request that it be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the regular agenda.
It will then be discussed and considered.

A. Approval of minutes of May 5, 2008 regular meeting.
B. Approval of disbursements and payroll.
C. Approval of Cemetery Deeds for: Kenneth and Bessie Bacon, 3 spaces; Jim and Marilyn Carty, 2 spaces; Rond or Mary Chambers, 2 spaces; JoAnn Robinson, 2 spaces; Katarina Bowlan, 2 spaces; Patricia Ann Anderson, 7 spaces. -
- approved

4. Discussion and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda. -- n/a

5. Update from Jerry Lawson regarding Main Street Enhancement Project. -- Have hopefully solved previous concrete problems. City utility work staying well ahead of Bryant Contractors. Started 2nd block with geogrid from start instead of wasting time trying to compact without as was done in first block. The pavers between the completed sidewalks and curbs on the north side should begin soon. 53 days remain (July 13th) before daily penalties would begin for late completion if that should occur.

6. Discussion and possible action for the Mayor to proclaim May 19 - August 3, 2008 as Collinsville's Summer of Reading. -- see photos above with Dr. Susan Babbitt and two teen assistants for the Library's summer reading program. The proclamation will hopefully encourage increased Collinsville participation to meet/exceed Sand Springs' challange. A party on the plaza Aug 3rd was discussed as a possible reward for the summer readers.

7. PUBLIC HEARING - CZ-170/Ordinance 809 - Zoning Text Amendment - Hearing and discussion and possible action of Ordinance 809 - Building Appearance Standards/Permitted Yard Obstructions. -- City Manager Pam Polk recommended this item be postponed to the next commission meet.

8 Discussion and possible action of Emergency Clause pertaining to Ordinance 809. -- n/a

9. Consideration of any new business, which can be considered an emergency, to come before the Collinsville City Commission not known about or which could not have been reasonably anticipated at the time of posting this agenda. -- none

10. Adjournment.

POSTED 5/16/2008 at 4:00 p.m. by Angela Long, City Clerk.


Additional comment by Ted Wright (in purple)

This page sponsored in part by:

4th of July (on the 3rd)

Main Street Enhancement Project Report

Summer of Reading Proclamation

Ordinance 809 - Building Appearance Standards/Permitted Yard Obstructions (Delayed)

Noah Gower, Jacob French, (from the Library's Project Teen) pose with the city summer reading proclamation and Mayor Sallee