Collinsville, Oklahoma
June 12, 2008
CEF Golf Tournament
Golfers and Donors Help Collinsville Education Foundation Make Annual Grants To Collinsville Teachers
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Steve Tinker, John Smailgo, Stan Sallee watch as Mike Tinker tried to direct a putt.
Daniel Prock got tips on this putt from Don Wasson and Matt Sewell.
Maggie Butts presented the winner's plaques in the CEF Golf Tournament that has been renamed in honor of her late husband John Butts who directing the early years of the tournament. Bill Thomas, CEF President, with help from the other CEF trustees carries on the tournament which is their major fund raiser.
The Darling International team took second place. The members: Mike Keim, Shawn Kallam, David Walker, and Robert Schlomen.
The first place team didn't stay for the presentation ceremony so I have no photo for Priority Roofing with Ron Koscheski, Jeff Ferguson, Curtis Brumble and Kyle Brumble.
The American Bank of Oklahoma team won third place. Members were Joe Landon, Randy Menie, Kyle Menie, and Mike Kauk.
Mark Enhen represented the Collinsville Masonic Lodge which supported the CEF tournament with $4000 this year and $25,000 overall since the tournamants began.