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Collinsville, Oklahoma
Dec. 4, 2006
Has City Done Enough?
Streets Still Dangerous
No New Snow Since Thursday
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call Ted Wright (918) 371-1901 or send email to
(email questions/comments to
Ted Wright -- last update 12/4/2006 (CitySnowPlan.html)

Copyright 2006 -- Collinsville, Oklahoma
Note: I'm going to stretch my letters policy in this instance and use a letter from an unidentified email viewer as this is a potential safety issue. Any additional letters will need to identify themselves to me. I can then still withhold the name if requested. -- Ted Wright -- Monday 1:40am 12-4-06

I have seen what I assume is a city vehicle (above) clearing snow from downtown parking areas (working around parked cars) the past three days (Fri-Sat-Sun).
-- Ted Wright

I agree the city (& merchants) could have done more but do not agree with all the points in the letter received. I will forward the letter to the City Manager for a potential reply. I have only walked a short distance each day since the sleet started Wednesday night so I have a limited view of Collinsville the past few days. I am surprised there was not more effort Friday before the first re-freeze and have seen no sand used? My personal opinion on salt use (due to street, sidewalk and vehicle damage) is that I hope it was not used.-- Ted Wright

Email Received Sunday Dec. 3rd, 3:15pm
Ted - I want you to print a story about how no city workers were clearing the streets of collinsville after the storm. I want to read that the city has two tractors sitting in the city yard and have been there all day without moving. And vehicles are being torn up because of the cities lack of responce. I want to read that police do not have snow chains and some were unable to use patrol cars because they were not able to perform on the snow. And I want to read that the only street that was cleared was HWY 20, which was cleared by the State of Oklahome, not Collinsville. I also want you to compare our streets now to Oolagah. Which got more snow but the city actually responded. I want the City to know that it is irrisponsible for them to not respond because they are to CHEAP to use any funding.
I would also like to know the following:

How much money did they use to battle the effects of the storm?
Where is their yard that keeps the Sand and Salt?
How much Sand and Salt do they claim they used?
Where can I submit my bill for my vehicle that has damage from the roads that wre not being taken care of?

Ted - Hopefully this is very news worthy. I understand that you may not be able to print this becasue of the reprocussions that the City will hand out. But it needs to be said. Please be the voice of the community.

Thanks, (No name provided)